Friday, June 8, 2012

Fitness and having a life

One challenge in maintaining a fitness routine while working fulltime is still having a social life.

I'm sure you've seen it before--  had a friend start a fitness/diet program, and then you didn't see them for six months til they quit.  Why?  They no longer would go to happy hour, go downtown, or get breakfast with your crew.  And if you ask them why they quit, they'll tell you it's cuz they didn't like not having a life.  Others, the more persistent and dedicated, accept not having a life as a sacrifice for their health and fitness goals, and hardknuckle it for a really long time. 

Which is totally wack.  Both cases.  Wack.  I know there were times where I was doing fitness in place of a social life ("sorry babe, I can't go with you.  i need to go running, I only just lifted this morning."), and it's a difficult place to get out of--  because you see your goals get closer as you train more and more, and you get tunnel vision going. 

Thing is, most of us aren't professional athletes--  it's not like we have millions resting on some accomplishment.  So, fitness for us is about the journey, not the destination.  About making your life more fun and more upbeat and easier, add depth to your life.  Not cut relationships out.  Even when we are training for a specific event and it's something of a priority, it still should leave space for your friends and family. 

Maybe not in the same ways as before.  Maybe now you get one drink instead of drinking all night.  Maybe you get the 400-calorie-entree with grilled chicken at the Olive Garden, or just order coffee cuz you already ate.  Maybe now you just play pool now, and you don't go to the afterafterparty.  Maybe you get a training partner (which has never worked for me for long, but i DO have a friend I constantly talk to about training/nutrition/fitness).  Maybe you stay for volleyball for a couple hours, but you go home afterwards to rest so you can put in your miles in the morning.  Oh, hey, that's what I just did!  And my run is starting in about fifteen minutes, so I gotta ...  run....  now.  c:

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